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curso oracle Tuning Overview (4)

Tuning Overview List the roles associated with the database tuning process The DBA, the application developer, management, the system administrator, the network administrator. Define the steps associated with the tunning process Considered on the ROI (Return on Investment) outline here are the tunning recommendation in order: Do a proper logical design: In practice this often means more tables with fewer rows per table. In turn, this means the capability for faster searching. The fewer rows that are stored and must be searched through, regardless of the search techinque, the quicker you'll be able to find what you're looking for. Do a proper physical design : Separate the datafiles (tablespaces ) into different disks to avoid I/O contention , use striping. Redesign if necessary Sometimes the best way to correct the database without extensive tuning efforts is a re-analysis and redesign. Consider redesign when the initial design

Organismo europeo advierte contra los riesgos de las redes sociales

Nuevo informe de la agencia europea de seguridad informátcia, ENISA (European Network and Information Security Agency) previene contra los riesgos de usar las redes sociales como Facebook y MySpace. Diario Ti: El informe de ENISA se concentra principalmente en los posibles retos relacionados con el acceso a las comunidades sociales online mediante teléfonos móviles, pero también se refiere en términos generales a la seguridad de servicios como Facebook, presentando 17 consejos para hacer frente a los riesgos. Como ejemplo de tales riesgos ENISA menciona la usurpación de identidad, fuga de datos corporativos y daños a la imagen corporativa. Las redes sociales cuentan con 283 millones de usuarios en Europa. A la par con su creciente popularidad ha aumentado la demanda de acceso instantáneo y contínuo a tales redes mediante el teléfono móvil. Como ejemplo, ENISA indica que más de 65 millones de usuarios acceden a la red social Facebook mediante un terminal móvil. Para el caso de MSN, un g



Curso Profit Plus Administrativo Creacion Empresa

curso oracle (3)

Backup and Recovery Considerations Define requirements for a backup and recovery strategy A thurough understanding of the business,operational, and technical requirements this will help develop an effective backup and recovery strategy that will protect the database from different types of failures and insure high availability, minmal downtime and complete data recovery. Regularly test the backup and recovery strategy, because it ensures integrity of backups, the validity of the backup and recovery methods,and the reduction of problems before they occur in a production database. Articulate the importance of management concurrence for the strategy It ensures that there will always be an on-line duplicate (hot backup) of the database and also helps avoid a CLI (Career Limiting Incident) !!. Identify the components of a disaster recovery plan A disaster recovery plan consists of preparing for unlikely events, but depending on what part of the world you are, this could be more than

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Curso Oracle (2)

Oracle Architecture Components Describe the Oracle Server Architecture and its main components. Oracle is basically formed from : An instance: Which is basically a set of memory structures and background processes that cache the most used data, and serve as an exchange point between the users(clients) and the datafiles that have the information on disks. Datafiles : These datafiles are located on hard disks, and they compose all the data that is stored in Oracle,control files,tablespaces, redo-log files,etc. Oracle-Software : This contains the Oracle-kernel which is much like a sub-operating system on top of the host system , because it coordinates the memory-structures and processes (Instance) and the file updates (Datafiles) on the hard drives. List the Structures involved in connecting a user to an Oracle Instance The Oracle server has a set of memory structures and operating process called "The Instance" which