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Plug And Mix Pro Series 1.0.0 (Win/Mac) + Descarga

Plug And Mix Pro Series 1.0.0 (Win/Mac) | 30/65 MB

The Ultimate Precision 'Pro Series' Pack includes 3 professional plug-ins that are part of a new collection called “Pro Series” Plug-ins. The “Pro Series” plug-ins have been designed to reflect the need and requests of P&M’s most demanding professional customers that use the 'V.I.P. Series' plug-ins in their daily tasks. The “Pro Series” collection includes “E-Max” a transparent linear phase equaliser, “OptoMax” a powerful opto compressor and “Tube Exciter” a subtil tube exciter and sub bass enhancer.


The P&M “Emax” is a professional Equalizer that is one of the most essential tools for any producer, mixing or mastering engineer. P&M E-Max Equalizer provides the highest quality tool for sculpting your sound with a stunning new interface for precise control. E-Max goes beyond the expectations of a normal EQ with its built in Sonic Maximizer for extra “sweetening” and a Linear Phase mode for mixing & mastering which preserves the transients and transparency of your music.


The P&M “OptoMax” is a state of the art plug-in for use in your favorite digital audio workstation. OptoMax is designed to give you precision dynamic control over any type of media whether its vocals, drums or entire compositions. The plug-ins intuitive user interface allows for effortless control over compression levels, and frequency side-chaining, as well as other crucial sonic analysis tools.

Tube Exciter:

The P&M Tube Exciter delivers punch, clarity and sparkle to any signal you run through it. The plug-in features Tube Exciter, Tube Saturation and Sub Bass enhancers which can enrich your sound in subtle and drastic ways. The plug- in’s unique interface allows for precision adjustments using elegant graphical curves and audio analysis tools giving you a realtime window into the sound processing. P&M Pro Tube Exciter can be used on practically any audio source to improve the sound: From Broadcast and Live P.A. systems, to recording Guitars, Vocals and Bass, to Mixing and Mastering your songs.



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