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PortForward Network Utilities 2.0.5 Portable | 12.7 MB #Descarga

PortForward Network Utilities 2.0.5 Portable | 12.7 MB


Instead of manually configuring your network router, just pick your app from a list and update your router with a single click. PFConfig can open your ports when you need them, then close them again when you do not. 

-Automatically update your port forwards with a single click.
-Increase security — forward ports when you need them, prevent forwarding when you don't.
-Optimize your router for faster, more reliable connections.
-Save hours by letting PFConfig do all the work.
-Awesome support - We will make sure that your port gets forwarded.
-Fast download, clean software! Won't slow down Windows.
-If your router is not supported we'll add support for it!

OS : Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP
Language : English 


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